

Spectrogram of Upper Saxon

Our department

Phonetic tools

  • : record, edit, analyze, and manipulate sound files, and a lot more
  • : automate commands in Praat
  • : record longer sessions
  • : record and analyze electroglottographic signals along with audio
  • : analyze pitch, formant values, voice quality measures
  • : (.exe file) works with VoiceSauce to analyze the electroglottographic signal
  • and : record and analyze speech aerodynamics
  • : plot your vowelspace
  • : automate the segmentation of English speech

Phonetic databases

  • : recordings of all IPA sounds, taken from various languages
  • : recordings of over 200 languages
  • : recordings of different accents of English
  • : collection of links to ToBI models of the intonation of other languages
  • B-ToBI: dedicated to my model of Bengali intonation
  • : recordings of English dialectal intonation of the British Isles
  • : laryngoscopic videos of the glottis in action

Typing in IPA

  • : install an IPA keyboard layout
  • : install IPA fonts
  • : type in IPA without installing software

Typing in Bengali

  • : Bengali keyboard for Mac OS
  • : Bengali keyboard for Windows
  • : online Bengali-English dictionary