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Using BibTeX to Create Your Bibliography

To learn about specific bibliography styles in BibTeX (e.g., how to do Chicago style citations), visit our BibTeX style page here.

Using BibTex

After you've entered your sources in Zotero, export the library or collection where they are stored in the BibTeX format (do not export your notes or files, just the sources). Here's what to do next:

For TeXShop

  • Save your bibliography as a .bib file in the same folder as your thesis document. Make sure your filename ends in .bib.
  • To have LaTex process your .bib file, add to the end of your .tex file these three lines (thesis.bib is the bibliography filename):    \bibliography{thesis}
  • To make changes to your bibliography, you can edit the .bib file directly or make changes in Zotero.
  • To generate a PDF with your bibliography, in the .tex file, First typeset with  LaTex (click the first dropdown menu and select LaTex)latex
  • Then typeset with BibTex (click the first dropdown menu and select BibTex)
  • and Finally typeset in LaTex again, and then typeset in LaTex once more.

    Note: Using the method above gives you an error log, which allows you to troubleshoot the errors in your bibliography. It is recommended that you use the shortcut below after you have done the above steps at least once.

As a shortcut to the three typesetting stages, click the Macros button --> Applescript --> Bibliography.


For TeXnicCenter

  • Save your bibliography as a .bib file in the same folder as your thesis document. Make sure your filename ends in .bib.
  • To have LaTex process your .bib file, add to the end of your .tex file these three lines (thesis.bib is the bibliography filename):    \bibliography{thesis}
  • To make changes to your bibliography, you can edit the .bib file directly or make changes in Zotero.
  • To generate a PDF with your bibliography, in the .tex file:
  • Finally click Build on the tool bar --> Current File--> Build

Natbib Cheatsheet

To learn how do make small changes to the citation styles in natbib, check out this