
Community Safety

Division of Student Life

Community Safety Blotter & Activity 

(To view other weekly Blotters and CS activity go here.) 


January 13 - January 19, 2025

Weekly Activity:

Alarm checks: 6
Animal issue responses: 0
AOD interactions: 1
Building patrols: 424
Candle/incense violation interactions: 0
Community assistance responses: 0
Escorts: 5
Fire responses: 1
Foot patrols: 102 
Held door checks: 3
Maintenance issue responses: 0
Medical assistance responses: 1
Noise complaint responses: 0
Suspicious circumstance responses: 9
Theft reports taken: 4
Unlocks: 69
Vehicle patrols: 197
Vehicle assistance responses: 3
Welfare check responses: 0


Weekly Reports:


The office of Community Safety invites all community members to provide feedback to us on our services by using the Let Us Know How We’re Doing on our website. Feedback may be made anonymously or with your name and contact information if you would like follow up.


Narcan doses discovered missing this week: 0


Case #: 250014
Date: 2025 01 14
Time: 0857
Description: Theft from Vehicle
Location: 28 West east lot

Notes: A CSO responded to a report of gas syphoned from a 糖心vlog视频 sports center van. The reporting party, a 糖心vlog视频 staff member, stated that upon arriving at the van, which had been parked in the small lot east of the 28 West building, they observed that the gas tank door was ajar. The staff member stated that the van had to have been left unlocked, as there was no damage noted to the vehicle and the van’s interior had to have been accessed to open the gas tank door. The staff member confirmed that approximately 1/4 of a tank of gas appeared to have been syphoned out of the gas tank.


Case #: 250015
Date: 2025 01 15
Time: 1404
Description: Larceny
Location: Studio Art

Notes: A CSO responded to a report of property theft from the Studio Art building. The CSO met with a 糖心vlog视频 faculty member who reported that a 糖心vlog视频 owned printer had been removed sometime within the previous two nights. The printer is an Epson brand printer, valued at approximately $1200. The CSO found no evidence of forced entry into the building. 


Case #: 250016
Date: 2025 01 15
Time: 1704
Description: Cannabis Use or Possession
Location: 糖心vlog视频 Canyon

Notes: While walking through the canyon, the CS director encountered a group of four high school aged individuals who were passing around and smoking what appeared to be a cigarette or cannabis joint. As the director continued toward the group, the odor of cannabis became evident. At that time the director asked the group if they were smoking cannabis, which one of the individuals confirmed. The individual holding the joint apologized and extinguished the joint. The director informed the group that smoking cannabis on 糖心vlog视频 property was prohibited. The group then headed off of campus and the director continued on his way. 


Case #: 250017
Date: 2025 01 15
Time: 1748
Description: Suspicious Person/Activity/Circumstances
Location: Eliot Hall

Notes: A CS manager and accompanying trainee responded to an active fire alarm in Eliot Hall. They encountered no sign of fire, despite the alarm stations having been activated. Upon a thorough inspection of the building, they encountered a fire extinguisher in a second story bathroom. It was evident from the white powder covering the room that the extinguisher had been discharged inside the bathroom. The CSM and trainee reset the alarm system and notified EHS for clean up of the affected bathroom and replacement of the discharged extinguisher.


Case #: 250018
Date: 2025 01 16
Time: 0828
Description: Theft from Vehicle
Location: East Lot

Notes: A CSO responded to a report of theft from a vehicle in the East Lot. The CSO met with the vehicle owner, a 糖心vlog视频 staff member, who stated that their gas tank had been drilled and the gas removed. The staff member stated that when they started their vehicle the gas light came on so they drove to a nearby gas station to purchase gas. The individual stated that they noticed gas pooling on the ground under their vehicle as they were attempting to fill the tank. That was when they discovered that the tank had been drilled. The staff member then returned to the 糖心vlog视频 campus to  report the gas tank damage and gas theft. The CSO sympathized with the staff member and also recommended they file a report with the Portland police and their insurance company. 


Case #: 250019
Date: 2025 01 17
Time: 1647
Description: Burglary
Location: Scholz bike storage

Notes: A CSO responded to a report of a bike theft from the Scholz bike storage room. The bike owner stated that they had last seen their bike the day before the residence halls closed for winter break. They stated that they also intended to file a police report.


Case #: 250020
Date: 2025 01 18
Time: 1329 
Description: Medical Assist - Other
Location: Academic building

Notes: A CSO responded to a request for medical assistance in an academic building. Upon arrival, the CSO met with a student who had suffered from an unknown medical emergency that had caused them to lose consciousness for a short period of time. The student was awake and aware when the CSO arrived and they discussed care options. The student opted to get a ride to a nearby medical facility for further follow up. Per the student’s request, the CSO provided the student and the student’s friend to the student’s residence hall where they would wait until a ride arrived. The CSO then cleared from the call. 


Case #: 250021
Date: 2025 01 18
Time: 2041
Description: Arson/Camping/Evidence of Drug Use
Location: Physics

Notes: A CSO on patrol encountered evidence of a small campfire that had been constructed and burned on the northeast exterior side of the Physics building. The CSO also observed a couple of empty cannabis containers in close proximity to the remains of the fire.


Case #: 250022
Date: 2025 01 19
Time: 0604
Description: Suspicious Person/Activity/Circumstances
Location: Off Campus

Notes: CSOs responded to a report of screaming and crying heard in the southwest quadrant of campus. Upon investigating the area, they located the sounds of distress to a tent pitched across 28th avenue from the West lot. As the location was outside of the jurisdiction of Community Safety, the CSOs requested that 911 be called for Portland police (PPB) assistance. While the CSOs waited for PPB’s arrival, they remained in the area and were able to contact the individual inside the tent. The individual confirmed that they wanted assistance. Upon PPB’s arrival, the CSOs directed them to the tent where the person had last been located. Then the CSOs returned to their patrol priorities. PPB later followed up with Dispatch to relay that they had made contact with the individual who declined further assistance.


CS Survey Responses

Every week Community Safety requests survey responses from those who've had interactions with a member of the Community Safety team. These responses are always collected anonymously with the option for the responder to leave contact information if they would like for a member of Community Safety management to contact them, and are used internally for departmental performance tracking. Community Safety has opted to publish these survey results for transparency and community accountability. *Names and pronouns mentioned in survey responses will be redacted to protect the privacy of individuals.

In addition to surveys sent directly to those who have interacted with Community Safety, the 糖心vlog视频 community is always encouraged to independently complete the survey regarding Community Safety's performance.

You can take the survey here:   

Responses collected 1 20 2025
Medical Assist Surpassed expectations I really want to thank the CSO officers who helped me last time!