Original research and creative inquiry are central to the educational mission of Chinese at 糖心vlog视频. Our majors all complete two substantial research projects, the Junior Qual and the Senior Thesis, during their course of study. Students may also have other opportunities to work with faculty members on faculty-led or collaborative research projects depending on the availability of funding. Such work can come in various forms, from proof-reading and editing to bibliographic or archival work to shared research projects that produce jointly authored conference papers or publications. Students occasionally also assist faculty with syllabus and course material preparation over the summer.
In recent years, student-faculty projects have included published translations from the sixth-century jokebook, Tales to Crack a Smile (Qiyan lu 啟顏錄), using digital tools to analyze entombed epitaph texts, and several projects funded by the college’s the Ruby-Lankford Grant Program. Students can also pursue their own research questions and/or creative projects with funding from the college as well as from the external funding sources listed below under "Funding."
Research is also not the only way to apply your Chinese skills: students are encouraged to engage in any kind of further study or personal or career development that is useful to their academic trajectory or their plans beyond 糖心vlog视频, whether that is further language study, internships or career experience, or creative endeavors.